nedelja, 16. avgust 2009

Stress Management Tip #1- Avoid Stressors

Learn How To Avoid Stressors and reduce the stress

It is impossible to avoid all possible stressors and at the same time, it is important to ensure that important issues are addressed. However, there are a number of stressors in our everyday lives that are quite unnecessary and can be avoided. Avoiding such unnecessary stressors can make a huge difference in your ability to manage your stress levels.

Avoid stressful situations: This is an important technique to learn. Most people end up in stressful situations because they are unable to say no. Whether it has to do with more work than you can handle or with going out for an evening with people you don’t like, saying no is better than letting yourself into a situation you know will cause more stress.

Avoid stressful people: If there are people in your life, whether at home or at work, who always stress you out, learn to avoid them. If they cannot be avoided, try and spend as little time with them as possible. If any particular relationship is causing stress, consider breaking off that relationship.

Avoid stressful topics: There are people who feel very strongly about topics related to religion, politics, environment, etc. If you too have topics that you feel very strongly about, it is best that you avoid them during conversation. The conversation may quickly dissolve into an argument and you may end up causing yourself a lot of stress. Avoid such topics or go out for a breath of fresh air if such topics come up during conversation.

Avoid other stressors: Identify other stressors in your life and try to avoid them. For instance, if the shortest route to work has a lot of traffic, and traffic is one of your stressors, avoid the short route and take a longer route instead.

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